Want to be apart of Marc's Treasure Basket?
We're a new, but fast growing blog about children's health, learning through play, (micro)fashion, creativity and DIY!
We're interested in products & companies that:
- Are high-quality and (at lest trying to be) Eco-friendly
- Foster creativity and problem solving
- New start ups (or old hands) looking for a new platform
- Unique and out of the box thinkers
- Love little monsters and want to enrich their little lives
If you are interested in working together email us at marcsbasket@outlook.com
We looking forward to hearing from you!
This blog is a personal blog written and edited (sometime unsuccessfully) by me. Guest posts will be clearly labelled. The term Monster or Monsters is meant in the most loving way possible!
Please make sure to ensure the safety of your own little monsters when replicating any activities found on Marc's Treasure Basket. Appropriate and reasonable caution should be used when activities call for the use of materials that could potentially be harmful, including scissors, fire, water (drowning risk ), items that could present a choking risk or when introducing a new foods (unknown allergies). The author and blog disclaim liability for any damage, mishap, or injury that may occur from engaging in any of these activities on this blog.
Marc's Treasure Basket is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. When you shop through the clearly (it takes ya straight to amazon) identified affiliate links, you support this blog in a big way! (Not that we get a lot of money, but it's just nice to know that you're there and we're helping you have an amazing time with your little monsters!)
Marc's Treasure Basket is all about sharing the knowledge and love ,that makes our little monsters lives that much better! You're more than welcome to re-share any of our post, as long as you leave our watermarks on the photos and make a clear visible link back to the original post!
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